Christine Börsch-Supan

Christine Börsch-Supan, born in 1987 in Herdecke, studied jazz singing and completed a master’s degree in digital music production and live electronics at the University of Music in Würzburg. As a composer, singer and stage musician in various performing arts contexts, as well as a singer in the avant-garde pop band Hope, Christine Börsch-Supan combines sound art, voice and performance in her work.
In recent years she has realised, among other projects, the sound installation ‘Usambaraveilchen’ (Spielart Festival, November 2021), ‘Wie der Fisch zum Meer fand’ (music and dance theatre, Bavarian State Opera Munich, 2022), ‘Snitmønster’ (dance and music performance for deaf and hearing audiences, FELD Theater Berlin, January 2022), ‘re-member’ (dance production for intergenerational ensemble, Kampnagel, September 2020 & Kunsthaus Sootbörn Hamburg, October 2021), as well as the spatial choreographies ‘Narziss Echo’ (Impulstanz Vienna, 2017) and ‘Narkosis’ (Open Spaces Berlin, 2018). She was awarded a residency in Hellerau in November 2022 for her solo work ‘The Ritual Within’.