Aus der Kurve fliegen

Urban dance theatre
With German Sign Language on stage


Do you dare do it? – Angélica, Lola, Maxi, Estelle, Stefan and Jule ask themselves. The six of them challenge themselves and each other on the JES stage: Maxi and Angélica test how far they can go. Estelle sings: “My life is too much of a risk, that’s why I’ll stay here like this forever” – but is sure that there must be another way. Stefan tries to fly, Jule tries to let go and maybe Lola will talk about her scars.

All six of them face their challenges, desires and fears, try again and try differently and want to know: Where are boundaries, how can they be found, maintained, set or broken?

“Aus der Kurve fliegen” encourages people to trust each other and celebrate life together despite, but also because of, its uncertainties. With booming bass music, elements of breakdance and contemporary dance, “Aus der Kurve fliegen” invites you to dive in, overcome your fears and unearth your longings.

JES director Grete Pagan was nominated for the FAUST 2023 theatre prize in the “Theatre for Young Audiences” category with her urban dance theatre piece “Aus der Kurve fliegen”.

“Aus der Kurve fliegen” takes place with German sign language on stage. More information here: “Notes on accessibility”.

Notes on accessibility

With German sign language on stage

„Aus der Kurve fliegen“ takes place on stage in German sign language. The play is accessible for hearing and deaf children and families. (Deaf includes different identities and lived realities such as deaf, hard of hearing, Ci wearers and later-deaf).

This performance contains integrated interpreting into German sign language. “Integrated interpreting” means that the interpreter does not stand at the edge of the stage but is visible to on stage with the other actors. She translates a large part of the spoken and sung text by other actors. The interpreter also plays a role in the play. She stands on stage in a way that the audience can easily follow the translation and the plot of the play. Individual words and sentences are signed by the other actors. The interpreter and the actors are all hearing.

You can find more information about attending performances with German Sign Language on stage here.

Notes on sensory stimuli

Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be overstimulating or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you’ll find a list of sensory stimuli in “Aus der Kurve fliegen” here. They may be good to be aware of for you or someone who is attending the performance with you.

– Use of loud music with lots of bass and loud noises as well as instruments (electric bass, electric guitar, ukulele).

– Low lighting and rapid light changes.

– A fluttering curtain is attached to the back of the stage, behind which the actors disappear and reappear.

– The actors let themselves fall, playfully fight each other, perform dangerous stunts and climb several metres up a rope.

– At times, the actors do different things at the same time. Sometimes the actors perform text at the same time or over each other.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at We are happy to work out how we can help together with you.