Mimbre (UK)
Akrobatik/Tanz (ohne Sprache)

Three bodies meet in public space. They hold each other and support each other. What is it like to be carried by another person? What if one person carries two others? What if a person doesn’t want to be carried? And what if we all hold one another, uplifting, enduring, holding on to one another tightly?
The images that the three performers create in “Lifted” tell stories of falling and being caught, of belonging and being marginalised, of trust and courage.
The London-based company Mimbre combines acrobatics, theatre and dance. In their work, they challenge gender stereotypes in art and society and shape a positive and diverse image of cis and trans women and non-binary people.
“Lifted” was created in collaboration with the three guest choreographers Yi-Chun Liu, HURyCAN and Gary Clarke.
More information about “Lifted”.
Information on sensory stimuli
Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be overstimulating or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you’ll find sensory stimuli here that appear in places in “Lifted”.
They may be good to be aware of for you or someone who is attending the performance with you.
- The performers do acrobatics. They stand on top of each other, lift and hold each other, and fly through the air.
- Music plays in the background.
- The audience can see each other during the performance.
- The performance takes place in a public space, which means that it can get loud, people can walk by and watch or stop and chat.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at
We will be happy to advise you and work out together how we can help.
We do not view content notes as spoilers for the plot of a play, but as an important source of information to help you decide whether or not to attend an event. You will find corresponding information on the content notes on each play page.
For the whole family
Duration: 40 minutes
Prices: free or on a donation basis
Open Air
Silvia Fratelli, Martha Harrison, Helga Ehrenbusch
Lina Johansson
Bettina John
Ted Barnes
Stage and costumes assistance
Evelien Van Camp
Einstudiert von: Freya Stokka, Helga Ehrenbusch, Jaide Annalise, Martha Harrison, Rosy Roberts, Silvia Fratelli