Mo Sommer

Mo Sommer studied songwriting and singing at Popakademie Mannheim, after Mo had already been travelling through Germany with various band projects since the age of 14. Mo is a freelance artist, musician, producer, performer and leader of the artist collective Meerkatzenblau.

Mo has been writing songs, composing music, poetry and short stories for 15 years. In 2013, Mo was in charge of the musical direction for an independent theatre ensemble in Berlin for the first time (‘Der Besuch der alten Dame’ by Dürrenmatt). This led to collaborations with HMTM Hannover, Nationaltheater Mannheim and independent theatre collectives.

Mo has been travelling with thd solo project MORI since 2014. Between 2016 and 2018, Mo received several awards for songwriting and composition for this project before Mo received the YouTube Early Career Support Scholarship in spring 2018. In summer 2018, Mo founded the Musikkulturverein MKB e.V. and is the chairperson of the organisation.