Dear festival audience,

10 international productions, 8 Baden-Württemberg productions, residences, celebrtions, gatherings – this year’s Bright View festival, the Stuttgart festival for young audiences at JES, is filled to the brim!

‘Schöne Aussicht’ festival has long since established itself in Stuttgart. But the fact that it has become a fixture does not seem to make the festival sluggish in any way. Instead, ‘Bright View’ is constantly reinventing itself, following new ideas and setting new impulses. This includes, for example, the question that will headline the festival for the first time this year: ‘How do you deal with uncertainty?’ This question alone shows that the festival isn’t taking an easy route for itself. ‘Schöne Aussicht’ does not simply want to entertain you with outstanding productions. It wants to connect you with the world as it is. And this sometimes involves asking difficult questions. I would like to thank all those who have conceived this year’s festival for the great task that the festival has set itself with its invitation to encounter the uncertain, while at the same time keeping in mind that there are also many new things to discover.

The unknown and the new are often best encountered together. We will ensure that these encounters become a success again this year. ‘Schöne Aussicht’ is and remains an invitation to everyone. As First Mayor of the state capital Stuttgart, I would also like to express my thanks, especially to the festival team, who ensure that the festival is accessible to everyone and that ‘Schöne Aussicht’ is a festival where everyone can really feel comfortable and valued.

Dear audience, I wish you all a wonderful ‘Schöne Aussicht’ festival 2024 – a festival with many questions, and of course with a myriad of answers we can discover together.

Dr. Fabian Mayer
First Mayor

Dear audience,
dear artists,

How do you handle uncertainty?
Uncertainty is a feeling that we probably all know.
But what does uncertainty mean for young people in 2024?
Uncertainty is usually more stressful than the truth, and it is often not easy to deal with contradictions, differences of opinion and ambiguities.

Visitors to the Schöne Aussicht 2024 festival gain insights into personal, social and political worlds. This diversity and cosmopolitanism makes all our lives richer and more diverse, promotes our understanding of other people and broadens our view of the cultures of other countries.

Great Britain, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and Switzerland are guests this year, as are the children’s and youth theatres from Baden-Württemberg with eight outstanding productions – dance theatre and performative theatre that reach every age group. In this way, the international and Baden-Württemberg theatre festival ‘Schöne Aussicht 2024’ can awaken an early and lifelong interest in the performing arts for everyone.

How do you handle uncertainty?

There is one certainty. ‘Schöne Aussicht 2024’ offers a wealth of performances that we can all look forward to.

I wish everyone involved, whether on or behind the stage, as well as audiences young and old many exciting encounters and unforgettable theatre experiences.

Arne Braun
State Secretary at the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg