SHAME – The Musical
by Kirsten Fuchs and David Pagan
With audio description and tactile tour
For this performance, JES will be loud, colourful, emotional – and embarrassing. Because shame is the theme of the first musical in JES history. With everything that goes with it: emotional songs, a pop band, a large cast, dance choreography and a love story.
Even if it’s not talked about much, shame is a defining issue in many people’s everyday lives. To find out more about it, we send four young characters to an art museum. Their task, set by the school, is to enter into a dialogue with a work of art. By attempting this (more or less seriously), they not only encounter very different perspectives on ways of life and boundaries of shame. Above all, they are confronted with themselves and then also with the shamefully hidden secrets of their classmates.
In cooperation with the Popakademie Mannheim, which has put together a pop band consisting its students, and the PH Ludwigsburg, whose students are in charge of developing this educational programme.
Supported by Fonds Jupiter Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation
Notes on accessability
With audio description and tactile tours
With audio description, the stage set, costumes and the visible course of the action are made accessible to people with visual impairments via live description. The explanations and descriptions are spoken live during the performance. The commentaries are received via transmitters with headphones. The audio description will be in german.
The tactile tour takes place in the stage area approximately one hour before the performance begins. Here you can feel parts of the stage set, props and costume pieces. There is a tactile model in which the stage set is modelled. In addition, particularly visual scenes of the production are described.
Tickets are always available for people who require audio description. Even if the performance is sold out in the webshop, you can still reserve tickets by e-mail:
For better planning, please register for the audio description and/or the tactile tour. By mail to
Notes on sensory stimuli
Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be overstimulating or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you’ll find a list of sensory stimuli in “SHAME – The Musical” here. They may be good to be aware of for you or someone who is attending the performance with you.
– There is live music. A band plays on stage. There are sudden changes in the music.
– There are bright, colourful lights. There are strobe lights. This means there are very fast, bright flashes of light. There are moments when it is partially or completely dark.
– The actors enter and leave the stage through the set. They go to the gallery. The gallery is above the stage and looks like a balcony. The actors disappear and appear through doors at the back of the stage.
– One of the actors enters and leaves the stage through a folding door in the set.
– At one point, an actress walks towards the audience.
– An actress steps out of a painting.
– There are strong feelings of shame and escalating emotions on stage.
– There is fog.
– The audience should be able to sit quietly during the performance in order to follow the play well.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at We are happy to work out how we can help together with you.

Ages 12 and up, grades 6 and up
Duration: 60 minutes
Prices: Children/young adults €7.00, adults €12.00
Venue: Hall (Seating Capacity: 165)
Stage and costumes
Musical direction
Collaboration concept
Theater pedagogy
Direction collaboration
Stage and costumes assistance
Audio Description
Tomke Koop (sie/ihr) – HörMal Audiodeskription
Florian Eib (er/ihm) – HörMal Audiodeskription
Matthias Nagel – HörMal Audiodeskription
Live speaker Audio description