What the Body?! (13+)

Theater im Marienbad
Erzähltheater-Performance (in dt. Lautsprache)

Growing up. Becoming a man? Becoming a woman? Becoming me? Our body grows and we catch up to it. Or we don’t. “What do you think about when it comes to the body?” is one of many questions from the initial research for WHAT THE BODY? !

The production team led by actress Lisa Bräuniger and director Anne Wittmiß went into school classes and conducted interviews with a wide variety of body owners, weaving them into a fast-paced body rollercoaster. We look through the burning glass of ideals. Keeping nothing secret. Discuss the body loudly. Ask questions. Allow doubts. Change shapes. This fast-paced and humorous production directly addresses the lives of young people and examines the process of growing up in a normative world.
In order to not only talk about bodies, but also feel them, WHAT THE BODY?! has gotten rid of seats and invites you to stand, run and dance.

More information about “WHAT THE BODY?!”.


With translation into German sign language

One of the performance we play with integrated interpretation into German Sign Language. Everyone is welcome, whether you need interpretation or not.

Concept and interpretation: Hannah Häberle (Consulting)

A number of tickets will be available for people who require interpretation into German Sign Language. Please contact our ticket office via email to reserve your ticket: ticket@jes-stuttgart.de

*Deaf* includes different identities and life realities such as deaf, hard of hearing, CI-wearing and later deaf.

Information on sensory stimuli

Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be overstimulating or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you’ll find a list of sensory stimuli in “What the body?!” here.
They may be good to be aware of for you or someone who is attending the performance with you.

  • Dim light.
  • There are loud noises and loud music, background music and audio recordings. There is a sudden scream and the noise a dolphin makes is imitated several times.
  • The actress shows strong emotions. She talks about body image, gender identity and sexuality, self-doubt and discrimination.
  • The performer is heavily made up and wears sunglasses for a short period of time.
  • The audience can see each other.
  • There is no clear separation between the stage and the audience. The performer moves in the same space as the audience. The audience has no fixed seats, but is free in the room.
  • At the beginning of the piece, the performer asks individual people from the audience to follow her.
  • The performer addresses the audience in individual scenes. However, she does not expect a response.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at ticket@jes-stuttgart.de.
We will be happy to advise you and work out together how we can help.


We do not view content notes as spoilers for the plot of a play, but as an important source of information to help you decide whether or not to attend an event.

The performer talks about body images, gender identity and sexuality, self-doubt and the associated challenges and discrimination. The themes are often abstracted during the performance through descriptions in rhyme, images and memories.

From age 13, from grade 7
Duration: 60 minutes
Prices: Children/teenagers 7,00 € / adults 14,00 €
Venue: JES Studio 1



Lisa Bräuniger


Anne Wittmiß


Anne Wittmiß


Anne Wittmiß


Anna Fritsch


Siri Thiermann

Theater pedagogy

Mareike Mohr